虾香小炒王 Dai Pai Dong Style Assorted Stir Fry with Dried Shrimp

What You Will Need Ingredients Chinese Chive Flowers 100g (Sectioned) Squid Tentacles 150g Dried Tofu 1pc (Diced) Dried Radish 40g (Diced) Cashew 30g (Baked) Dried Shrimp 25g Red Bell Pepper 15g (Shredded) Lee Kum Kee Minced Garlic ½ tsp Dried Scallion some Seasoning Lee Kum Kee Fire Hot Dried Shrimp Chilli Oil 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Salt Reduced Oyster Sauce 1 tbsp Sugar 3g How to make it Rinse the dried shrimp and dried radish. Blanch the squid tentacles and set aside.  Heat the wok with oil, add the chive flowers, stir-fry for a while. Remove and set aside.  Stir-fry the minced garlic and dried green onions until fragrant. Add dried tofu, dried radish and dried shrimp and stir-fry for a while. Add chive flowers and squid tentacles back to the wok.  Add red peppers and seasonings, stir-fry until dry. Add cashew nuts and serve.   预备食材 材料 韭菜花 100克 (切段) 鱼须150克 豆腐干 1件(切粒) 菜芯40克(切粒) 腰果 30g(已燃) 虾米25克 红椒 15克 (切丝) 李锦记蒜蓉 半茶匙 干葱少许 调味料李锦记大辣虾米辣椒油2汤匙 李锦记减盐贝油 1汤匙 糖3克   烹饪步骤 虾米和菜脯洗净,鱿鱼须汆水备用。 烧热油镬,下韭菜花煸炒一会后盛起。 爆香蒜蓉﹑干葱,加入豆腐干﹑菜脯﹑虾米翻炒一会,韭菜花和鱿鱼须回镬,下红椒丝及调味料炒至干身,最后加入腰果,即成。 The above ingredients can be found in KHEGO website or come to visit our shop in S2 4BF.

虾香小炒王 Dai Pai Dong Style Assorted Stir Fry with Dried Shrimp

What You Will Need